Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Elicitation

And so it be completely honest, I really have no idea how this 'blog' will turn out. I have joined the masses of self-publicated, opinionated 'bloggers' as I believe they call themselves, the majority of which have ridiculous ideas about things they know very little about. Its like the comments left under youtube videos which can provide hours of entertainment, an acne-ridden, hormone-burdoned teenager with illusions of anonymous grandeur and moral high ground...In fact, I much more value the other half of comments which either provoke these over-reactionary douches, or simply say "cunt"...genius! But enough of the ranting...actually, in ranting on about this very subject, do I slightly undermine myself and, like the longing of 'emo' kids to be different but actually just conform to a different set of fashions, and become the very same as all the others who want to be different. Meh, who am I to judge!

Right, back to this blogging business, as I intend to use this as a method of fulfilling the journal submission for my research in the arts module, you might become annoyed, confused or frustrated with my personal opinions, me trying to sound clever and apparently mapping my thought process...I do sound like a pretentious prick, but trust, I'm not too bad in person...I hope! So I plan to update this blog weekly with architecture research ideas etc etc, but will add some photos, possibly an odd video and accurate descriptions of how massive my penis really is.

Just one of my favorite videos shown to me by one Liam Draper whom I have to contact very soon...maybe now...I remember when I watched this first in the Lobby of the Manchester Hotel...weird how you remember the most random moments...but the music in this video is one of my utmost favorite songs...Big Red Machine by Justin Vernon (of Bon Iver) and Aaron Dressner.

Last minutes with Oden

The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils;
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus:
Let no such man be trusted.—Mark the music

(nothing like quoting Shakespeare to make yourself look intelligent and appear cultured...)

Fun's over, next post will have to be intelligent....

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